PsychologyPop Core Values....they drive everything I do.


Serve with a lens and projection of diversity and inclusion. 

I strongly beleive in in inclusivity: racial, ethcnicity, cultural, abilities, differences, et al. At the same time, as a Black-Amwricam Woman, I do take special attention into my own cultures of being a woman, Black-American, Military Brat, and Autism. Because, these encompass ME, and allow me to be able to speak from inner experiences. Yet again, I am extremely inclusive, and surround myself with people who are different than me -- I LOVE it!


You'll get the fresh out of bed version, the sometimes irritated by what occurs in our field version, the goofy and laughing version, the polished version, and the 'taking things VERY seriously version. Whatever version, we promise to always be authentic and true. Love it or scathe and scoth at it, but you likely won't be able to resist it :-). [lip-smack] Relaaax...just do YOU boo-boo. 


The pinnacle of PsychologyPop is celebrating the heroes, the frontline workers saving lives, the change makers within our field of mental health and psychological service provision. Because Darnit!—we just aren't celebrated! And I (meaning me...Elana) am tired of it!. YOU, out there changing the world by changing lives for the better. We are honored to know you, and celebrate you!


Now, having just FLooows like the river Jordan. Mental health clinicians are waaay to serious most of the time, and why is that? Who said that mental health education can't be fun? Practicing in our field absolutely can be fun! Honestly, NOT having fun is tough. We can even make the thought of pulling your hair out when it's time to document progress notes FUN. Or that time Elana's chair broke and crumbled beneath her during an online therapy session—FUN!


Therefore, a constant, consistent, joyful effort is made to always be connecting, collaborating and engaging with you. YOU, out there changing the world by changing lives for the better. Yep —"Hey you" on InstagramTwitterFacebook, in the members' Spotlight, and fabulous PsychologyPop Star. We are delighted to meet you and tell the world about what you do to change lives.
